Original Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana
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He is also regent of the planet Jupiter, and the name is commonly used for the planet itself. Gram is the Sanskrit for village and Putra means son.
Brahmā is said to be of a red colour. Origin of name The appellation Patna is etymologically derived from Patan, the name of the Hindu goddess Patan devi.
Kamasutra, I,1 - Einfühlsames Lehrbuch, medizinisches Nachschlagewerk und Inspirationsquelle in einem, findet in diesem Standardwerk jeder, was er sucht.
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Until Dawn - PART 7
Vatsyayana- Das Original Kamasutra Taschenbuch, 1972, Heyne Verlag, 3. His name is invoked in religious services, but Puṣkara hodie Pokhar , near Ājmīr, is the only place where he receives worship, though Professor Williams states that he has heard of homage being paid to him at Īdar. Brahmā was the father of Dakṣa, who is said to have sprung from his thumb, and he was present at the sacrifice of that patriarch, which was rudely disturbed by Rudra. Bṛhaspati 1 hat dasselbe mit dem Teil über das zweckrationale Handeln artha 2 getan. In the Ṛgveda the names Bṛhaspati and Brahmaṇaspati alternate, and are equivalent to each other. This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. The Vāyu Purāṇa makes him the son of Kaśyapa and Surabhi. The local almanac divides the year into six seasons of roughly two months each. Then he had to humbly submit and appease the offended god. With the decline of Mughal empire, Patna moved into the hands of the Nawabs Urdu: نواب, Hindi: नवाब of Bengal, who levied a heavy tax on the populace but allowed it to flourish as a commercial centre. Brahmā, being thus inferior to Viṣṇu, is represented as giving homage and praise to Viṣṇu himself and to his form Kṛṣṇa but the Vaiṣṇava authorities make him superior to Rudra, who, they say, sprang from his forehead. About this Item: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München, 1972.